The Fine Art of Making Change Stick:
Our Philosophy of Partnership

FTC was established in 2006, the company has grown decisively to successfully establish the brand amongst its international peers with which it competes in the markets of sub-Saharan Africa.

While the firm has only been in operation for four years, the management team has an impressive range of consulting experience across most sectors of the market. Areas of speciality include strategy and operational improvement. Working in both the public and private sectors, the team has successfully delivered on some of the most significant public sector transformation projects in South Africa in recent years.

The FTC philosophy is grounded in our commitment to partnership.

Experience has taught us that the success of change is dependent upon a strong partnership with the client. This is achieved when change is implemented through collaboration and is not imposed.

We believe that it is not sufficient that our consultants to bring world-class expertise and a wealth of experience to every assignment. It is equally important to harness the valuable institutional knowledge inherent in the organisation. Our approach is to capitalise on this wealth of knowledge by working alongside the client to understand the problems, develop the solutions and implement the changes.

The buy-in of all stakeholders, together with an approach that drives accountability and facilitates participation is crucial to the success of any consulting project. We believe that the true test of any change or improvement is ultimately demonstrated in its sustainability.

Unless an organisation is able to continue with new systems or improvements once the consultants have left, embarking on the project in the first place is an exercise in futility. For this reason, from the moment we start developing a solution, sustainability is our primary focus. Investing in people is one of the key elements of our approach. This ensures long-term benefits for those who engage our services. A fundamental component of the FTC Methodology of Partnership is the transfer of skills. On every project, we endeavour to ensure that a group of skilled leaders benefit from comprehensive skills transfer, guidance and coaching.

Hands-on Implementation

FeverTreeConsulting believes that the key to every successful project is an optimal combination of strategy and hands-on implementation.

When it comes to implementation, we firmly believe in working in the trenches. Our consultants can be found on site, working side-by-side with the client. This collaborative approach is one of the critical components of sustainable success.

Hands-on implementation is a natural consequence of our commitment to partner with each of our clients. We do not merely assist in the development of solutions and systems – we are right there to help implement them and make sure they stick.

Clear deliverables

Another component of our partnership philosophy is that clearly defined deliverables are defined at the outset of each project and in most cases, billing is linked to the successful completion of deliverables. Our objective being that from the outset the client knows that they will only be paying for work that has been completed in accordance with pre-set targets. This further validates the standard and quality of our work, and is testimony to our belief in the strength and success of our methodology.

Commitment to Growth

FTC envisages a bright future in the long-term as it has set its sights on growth opportunities in the markets of South Africa and sub-Saharan Africa. The team is uniquely composed to provide an Afro-centric approach and insight as we work with our clients, while the terms of engagement and results are of an international standard. The powerful combination of an indigenous cultural savvy, combined with professional management consulting expertise has produced a team capable of working in the most taxing assignments anywhere on the continent.